Climate Ready Farm Assessments Logo

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Climate Ready Farm Assessments

Risk is not new to farming but the risk a variable climate bring is! How do you usually respond to risk? University professors and educators from the north central region have created this tool to help you determine your farms’ vulnerability to climate. The Climate Ready tool was made using the current body of research around mitigation and adapting to climate is Crop, Dairy, Tree Fruit, and Swine production. This is a tool for inward reflection, only looking to help each unique farm find the best choices for their operation. Since each farming system has a built-in amount of risk, achieving a "no risk status" is nearly impossible. So the goal is to move the bar towards less climate risk.

A derecho above a road

About the Climate Ready Team

Extension professionals and the USDA Midwest Climate Hub are working together to assess and build climate-informed programming.

Define what climate-smart agriculture means to the midwestern Extension agricultural community.

Empower Extension professionals to lead climate-informed agricultural programming across the Midwest.

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Take an Assessment:

MI Climate Ready Fruit Farm Assessment Image

Fruit Farm Assessment

You can't predict the weather but this can help the extent of damage an event brings. Identifying climate risks on your farm is the first step to solving them

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MI Climate Ready Field Crop Farm Assessment Image

Field Crop Farm Assessment

Season length and water management seem to be a moving target with management decisions. Identifying climate risks on your farm is the first step to solving them

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MI Climate Ready Dairy Farm Assessment Image

Dairy Farm Assessment

Preventing a drop in milk production when the temperatures are out of control can be challenging. Identifying climate risks on your farm is the first step to solving them

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MI Climate Ready Swine Farm Assessment Image

Swine Farm Assessment

Controlling temperature for optimal rate of gain in your pigs can be challenging. Identifying climate risks on your farm is the first step to solving them.

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