Completing the Climate Ready Farm Assessment will provide you, the producer, an understanding of your farm's preparedness for weather and climate related issues. We concentrated on research in the North Central region but did review work from all over the United States. Those research results were summarized and given a value based on their effectiveness. Use the checkboxes to indicate each response that applies to your farm.
The goal of taking the assessment is to challenge you, the producer, to identify the climate risks, explore new practices for your farm and help plan for the future.
I prioritize "Weather" (Select one):
I rely on the following sources for weather forecasting:
I use the weather forecast to:
I have observed that weather has impacted:
I have observed more frequent extreme weather events such as:
I use the following strategies to minimize damage from extreme weather:
I prioritize "Farmstead Site Preparation" (Select one):
I have become aware of flooding risks at my farmstead by doing the following:
When my manure storage is at freeboard, I have a plan to:
I keep clean water out of my manure storage by:
I reduce manure runoff from my sacrifice lot by:
I reduce manure runoff from my pastures by:
I prioritize "Nutrient Management" (Select one):
I have become aware of flooding risks in fields where I spread manure by doing the following:
If the weather forecast calls for rain within 48 hours after a manure application I:
I spread manure on fields with drainage tile (Select one):
I am aware of the location of tile lines (Select one):
When I spread manure on fields with tile drainage tile I:
I prioritize "Animal Housing" (Select one):
Where are your cows housed?:
My barn is:
My fans are:
My sprinklers/misters are:
Do you have water through at the exit alley from the milking parlor? (Select one):
What is the stocking density of fresh cows and high cows' barns? (Select one):
I prioritize "Nutrition" (Select one):
Do you change cows feeding or nutritional management due to extreme weather (hot or cold)? (Select one):
If you answered "Yes" to question 1:
I prioritize "Reproduction" (Select one):
Do you change the reproductive management during warm weather? (Select one):
If you answered "Yes" to question 1:
I prioritize "Biosecurity" (Select one):
Do you control for pests on your farm? (Select one):
How are you controlling rodent pests on your farm?:
How are you controlling flies on your farm?:
How do you control for other insects (lice, mites, ticks) on your farm?:
Weather can cause physical and mental health safety concerns. An example of this is heat stress. Tell us how you plan to prevent accidents on your farm.
I prioritize "Farm Safety and Stress" (Select one):
Does weather cause farm safety concerns? (Select one):
To prepare for and prevent accidents on my farm:
On file with local fire department:
I am aware that the following resources can help me address stress: