Climate Ready Farm Assessments Logo

Climate Ready Farm Assessments

Field Crop Farm

Completing the Climate Ready Farm Assessment will provide you, the producer, an understanding of your farm's preparedness for weather and climate related issues. We concentrated on research in the North Central region but did review work from all over the United States. Those research results were summarized and given a value based on their effectiveness. Use the checkboxes to indicate each response that applies to your farm.

  • Responses will be used to calculate a score at the end of the assessment
  • Specific practices/options included and their corresponding points were determined by a multidisciplinary team of experts and a comprehensive review of data in the literature and real-world scenarios
  • Appropriate point value score for each option was assigned based on its mitigation and adaptation potential.

The goal of taking the assessment is to challenge you, the producer, to identify the climate risks, explore new practices for your farm and help plan for the future.

  1. Regularly monitoring weather during the growing season helps you make management decisions. Tell us how you use weather forecasts on your farm.

    I prioritize "Tracking Weather (short term)" (Select one):

    I rely on the following sources for weather forecasting:

    I use the weather forecast to:

    I have observed that weather has impacted:

  2. Variable weather trends can impact your long-term farm planning and resilience. Tell us how you've adapted your farm.

    I prioritize "Tracking Weather (long term)" (Select one):

    Weather trends and/or changes in variability have caused me to choose different sites, crops, varieties, or seed treatments to plant based on:

    I have observed more frequent extreme weather events such as:

    I use the following strategies to minimize damage from extreme weather:

  3. Understanding soil characteristics influences how you manage soils. In the next three sections, tell us which management practices you use.

    I prioritize "Soil Type, Moisture, and Management" (Select one):

    Do you know the soil types in your fields? (Select one):

    I am managing my soil types differently for:

    To manage for excess moisture on my farm I have:

    To manage for lack of moisture on my farm I:

  4. Many facets of the weather can impact nutrient stability on your farm. Tell us how you optimize nutrient applications.

    I prioritize "Nutrients" (Select one):

    I do or use the following management tools to optimize nutrients:

  5. Weather impacts pest pressure and/or your ability to effectively manage them. Tell us what integrated pest management (IPM) tools you use to manage pests and disease.

    I prioritize "Pest Pressure" (Select one):

    I use the following IPM tools to manage pests and diseases:

  6. Text_to_Replace

    I prioritize "Financial Risk" (Select one):

    I do the following to manage risks:

  7. Weather can cause physical and mental health safety concerns. An example of this is heat stress. Tell us how you plan to prevent accidents on your farm.

    I prioritize "Farm Safety and Stress" (Select one):

    To prepare for and prevent accidents on my farm:

    To what extent does the weather impact your stress level? Choose one (Select one):

    I am aware that the following resources can help me address stress: